Exchange Everyday
When I read the “Getting Unstuck” issue it made me focus on my career goal. Our school is going through accreditation and I actually just received our candidacy material. This process can be very overwhelming and especially since I feel as if I’m still just trying to find my way as being a director. It just so happened that I got this position the same time our school was up for renewal. This article talks about keeping your focus and setting goals. I am all about timelines and goals that was the first thing I had to learn. I’m not an organized person by nature and I have to work really hard at being organize and most times it can be very frustrating. Being a director organization can be the death of you and your program. I learned to write everything down, set timelines, goals, and keeping a calendar just to keep track of everything going on in my school.
It also mentioned to dream and not to let fear banish your dreams. I have to consciously do this because there are times where I find myself getting overwhelmed. If I start to think of what needs to be done and what we need to do, I can get overwhelmed and feel as if reaccredidation is almost impossible. I also feel that as a director, I need to emphasis the importance of accreditation but at the same time not to stress out my staff. My goal in life is not to be stressed, it’s hard but I do not see anything positive coming out of stress. It kind of reminds me of the mentality of crying doesn’t solve any of your problems. I’m not that extreme, I’m all about feeling emotions and expressing my emotions but there comes a point where you just have to suck it up and deal with it. So when I start to feel stressed, I remind myself to get cracking and do something about it.
The last point the article makes is to get moving. Ideas and creativity happens when you move your body. In an ideal word, I would love to be able to have time to do work, school, personal life and workout everyday of the week. Especially in December, it’s crazy and something has to be sacrificed. Exercise is important, it’s healthy way to let out frustration and stress, but I’m still waiting for the ideas to come in the middle of my workouts.